Dale McGuinness is an Art Director and Creative leader who can execute across any channel and is responsible for creating enduring ideas that people still talk about, such as work on Coopers Beer, IKEA, and the original Lamb campaigns featuring the then-unknown Sam Kekovich. The first ‘UnAustralian campaign’ - created during his time at BMF - cracked a unique tone of voice and straight shooting Art Direction, which put lamb firmly back on the Australian menu and has become an Aussie campaign tradition ever since. Dale also relaunched lamb as perfume LÅMB and kept the humour fresh once more. Perhaps it’s because Dale is a down-to-earth South Australian with a solid work ethic, he just knows where to start digging for a compelling idea.
After earning his Design Degree, he quickly moved through the Young & Rubicam Adelaide studio ranks to become an
Art Director, which means there’s nothing he can’t create, from Ooh to digital, Social, and Content, he knows just how to bring the message to life.
Art Director, which means there’s nothing he can’t create, from Ooh to digital, Social, and Content, he knows just how to bring the message to life.
Dale won awards early on in his career with fresh thinking on Adelaide Zoo, where he turned street poles into Giraffes and stripped roofs off Bus Shelters to demonstrate deforestation and loss of endangered animals’ habitat. Success meant a move to Sydney, where he continued to solve client problems and win big pieces of business with his characteristically fresh approach no matter what the category, from MBF Health Insurance and Meadow Lea to 3 Mobile and the South Australian Tourism Commission, VP Bank, Dutch Lady, and Heineken.
As Dale seasoned into a Senior Art Director the awards kept coming; a Bronze Lion at Cannes, an Effie, a Midas Award,
a finalist at One Show and New York Festivals, Australian Outdoor Ad of the Year, inaugural Ad of the Year at the Siren Awards and many others. Dale also has a sense of adventure having worked around Australia and throughout Asia namely Vietnam and briefly in Myanmar, he enjoys working within multinationals and indie agencies alike and continues to chase the thrill of cracking a great idea. So if you’d like fresh thinking on your next brief - call Dale on +61 402 013 025 or email dalemcguinness@icloud.com
a finalist at One Show and New York Festivals, Australian Outdoor Ad of the Year, inaugural Ad of the Year at the Siren Awards and many others. Dale also has a sense of adventure having worked around Australia and throughout Asia namely Vietnam and briefly in Myanmar, he enjoys working within multinationals and indie agencies alike and continues to chase the thrill of cracking a great idea. So if you’d like fresh thinking on your next brief - call Dale on +61 402 013 025 or email dalemcguinness@icloud.com